Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Stop Pembodohan Masyarakat dengan Iklan-iklan yang Menyesatkan Ini !!!

Stop menyebarkan info hoax - Akhir - akhir ini kita sering kali melihat di timeline Facebook, sebuah status atau share baik berupa foto atau video dengan menampilkan percobaan sebagai berikut :

1. Pertama uji yg dilakukan oleh penjual AIR ALKALI kemasan
Betadine (povidone iodine) + air kemudian di masukkan mie instan, lalu warna air dan mie instan berubah menjadi biru pekat atau sampai biru ungu kehitaman.

Lalu dengan seenaknya si pelaku menyamakan mie instan yg berubah warna menjadi biru kehitaman disebut sebagai RACUN

2. Kedua, Ada pula share tentang uji nasi + betadine juga berubah warna menjadi biru, ungu kehitaman, yang ini parah lagi.. Disebut pula itu beras dicampur pil KB, bener2 gak masuk akal, tapi anehnya banyak yg menelan mentah2 info itu

3. Ketiga adalah iklan obat pelangsing yang juga menggunakan “mie instan + air betadine” berubah menjadi biru kehitaman kemudian di bilas dengan air berisi obat pelangsing warna mie yang berubah menjadi biru tersebut kemudian berubah lagi menjadi putih, si pendemo mengklaim bahwa racunnya sdh di ikat dengan obat pelangsing tersebut dan di buatlah pernyataan obat pelangsing tersebut bisa mengikat racun.

SEMUA percobaan diatas terlihat sangat meyakinkan, yang tidak paham pun jadi tercengang dan resah, galau karena katanya mereka konsumsi racun.

Dalam kimia analisis uji seperti yang dilakukan menggunakan betadine (iodine) disebut UJI IODIMETRI.

Uji Iod bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi PATI/KARBOHIDRAT/POLISAKARIDA/TEPUNG/AMILUM. Reagent yang digunakan adalah larutan iodine yang merupakan zat terlarut dalam potassium iodide.

eaksi antara polisakarida dengan iodin membentuk rantai poliiodida. Polisakarida umumnya membentuk rantai heliks (melingkar), sehingga dapat berikatan dengan iodin, sedangkan karbohidrat berantai pendek seperti disakarida dan monosakarida tidak membentuk struktur heliks sehingga tidak dapat berikatan dengan iodin.

Amilum dengan iodin dapat membentuk kompleks biru, amilopektin dengan iodin akan memberi warna merah ungu sedangkan dengan glikogen dan dekstrin akan membentuk warna merah coklat.

CATATAN: Bahan makanan apapun yang mengandung karbohidrat entah itu beras, singkong, mie, kentang, spagheti dan bahan makanan yang direaksikan (ditetesi) Iodium (baca: Betadine) akan berubah warna mulai biru, biru tua, ungu hingga kehitaman.

Buat para pembuat uji demo produk ini please sebelum anda share bentengi dulu dg dasar keilmuan yg cukup, jangan asal bikin demo, membuat kesimpulan sendiri, apalagi kalo bikin uji ini untuk jualan produk.

Bukankah HOAX yg anda sebarkan ini termasuk kategori menipu??? Artinya sama aja anda jualan dengan cara tipu2 … Dimana keberkahan jika anda mencari rizki dg metode tipuan???

Semoga HOAX ini cepat berlalu.

Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

Football Manager Touch 2016

Football Manager Touch 2016

Football Manager Touch 2016

Sports Interactive sent football management fans to the brink of dreamland with 
Football Manager Classic 2015. At last, here was a mobile version of the famous footy game built from the same components as the host PC series.

The only thing holding that game back from a title tilt was a clunky interface and a sense that the developer hadn't quite finished thinking through the move to mobile.

So here, around six months later, is Football Manager Touch 2016 to finish the job.

Swift one-two Football Manager Touch 2016

Wait, six months? Yep, there's no getting away from the fact that SI has been a little hasty in returning to market so soon. Especially when these are two of the more expensive mobile games on the market.

But there's no denying that Football Manager Touch 2016 is an improved experience. Most of the criticisms we had about tiny, borderline broken interface elements in the last game have been addressed here.

Players are now represented by chunky cards in the tactics screen, with clearly defined and easy-to-access drop-down menus. Switching out players is so reliable that I found myself initiating lots of accidental substitutions at first, so unused were my fingers to the responsiveness and sensitivity of the system.

Team instructions, meanwhile, have been given a boost with a single page of contextually sensitive graphs and gauges. You're still essentially playing a spreadsheet, but now it's one with proper formatting and pie charts.

Holes in the defence

That's not to say that SI has created the perfect mobile footy management game. There are still too many glitches for that.

IAPs explained
Although the game is already a decidedly premium purchase, you can spend extra money on game-boosting features.

The Magic Sponge, for example, helps heal an injured player for 79p / 99c. You can also make all players interested in your club for the same amount.

Meanwhile you can boost your club's bank balance by £50 million if you're willing to spend £4.99 / $6.99.
The whole game can feel a little sluggish at times, slowing to a crawl in between seemingly simple screen transitions. Some UI elements remain unresponsive, such as the side arrows used to alter wages during negotiations.

There are also a fair few bugs in there. I was informed at one point that Man Utd had won a game thanks to "a stunning strike from De Gea." That would be the David De Gea who plays in goal for the reds.

The 3D match engine, meanwhile, is possibly even ropier looking than before, with low-res players and fonts making it look more like an early 3D FIFA than ever.


But when SI has finally given us a full Football Manager experience that feels at home on mobile devices, complaining about bugs and technical glitches feels a bit like complaining that Messi doesn't track back.

Yes, Football Manager Touch 2016 could be easier to love. But you overlook these foibles because of the amazing things it can do that no other management can - like destroying a whole evening when all you wanted to do was send your scouts to watch a Croatian wonderkid.

Cutting through all the issues, Football Manager Touch 2016 is quite simply the mobile footy management game we've always wanted - most of the time. There's obvious room for improvement within its framework, but there's also nothing else that comes remotely close.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Every Hearthstone expansion adds new effects which make the game a bit more complex. With each one, players get a slew of new options, and the idea of a decent AI to play against solo recedes a little further.

Trying to come up with code to help the computer make sensible decisions must be a nightmare for the poor developers at Blizzard.

So for League of Explorers, the third solitaire expansion for the game, they've taken a different tack. It's still mainly the one on one boss fights fans have come to know and be largely indifferent to. But there's a new kind of level which is a race against time.

These are fantastic fun. You're given a fixed deck and have ten turns to survive an onslaught of whatever the level throws at you.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

They're imaginative, tense and exciting, if a bit too easy. Once you've played a challenge once you know what's coming and can plan accordingly. Once you've beaten it once, there's little replay value.

They're totally appropriate for an expansion loosely based on Indiana Jones. Given that they're the highlight, it's a shame there's only two of them across four wings.

Horrible bosses

The majority of the other boss fights are disappointing. Even novice players should be able to beat most of them with a simple aggro deck.

Things improve in the final wing with a couple of interesting encounters that need creative decks to beat. Yet most of it is a breeze.

Someone will no doubt shout out that really, the expansion is all about the cards. In which case you wonder why Blizzard bother wrapping them in an adventure framework in the first place. But let's take a look at what's on offer.

Hearthstone expansions traditionally feature a new mechanic. This time we get Discover. This gives you an extra draw, letting you choose between three random cards of a particular type. So the Tomb Spider lets you "discover a beast" while the Jewelled Scarab allows you to "discover a 3-cost card".

Discover smells a little of desperation. Each expansion up until now has had a new mechanic which made a fair stab at changing the way people play.

Discover doesn't, other than the fact it lets you draw cards outside your deck. In fact there's already a Hunter card, Tracking, that does something similar with the cards atop the deck.

Smells fishy

There's another Discover on offer, in the wet and fishy shape of Sir Finley Mrrgglton. He helps you discover a brand new hero power from a random choice of three. He also advertises that Murlocs are a big theme for this expansion.

Blizzard seem to be fond of encouraging players to build decks themed around certain archetypes. Last time it was Demons, before that it was Mechs.

It's always good to see more flavourful decks, and there are opportunities here to buff neglected classes like Shaman. Warrior has also gotten a boost from the class cards here, leading toward a better balanced game.

Beyond these welcome tweaks there doesn't, right now, seem to be any other real standout cards. Everyone was salivating over Kel-Thuzad in Naxxramas and Emperor Thaurissan in Blackrock but there's no equivalent here.

The final card you get, Arch-Thief Rafaam, should be good in greedy control decks, but that's pretty niche.

Small treasures

That isn't to say there's nothing of value. Unearthed Raptor should give Rogue decks a whole new archetype. And the new legendaries Elise Starseeker and Reno Jackson also have the potential for novel builds.

However, we're still looking at uncommon speciality decks here. There's nothing that's going to transform the game.

Perhaps that's what Hearthstone needs right now. After two expansions in three months, maybe a bit of stability is welcome. As are some unusual new cards and improved balance.

But as a long-term player, it's hard to shake the feeling that maybe the Blizzard design team are finally beginning to run out of card-fu.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

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Clash of Clans Endless Gold, Gems and Elixir

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